Los Angeles Photo Fund
A huge thank you to all of the artists that made this possible, @phtsdr for generously covering 100% of the printing costs, @vice for supporting this initiative as our media sponsor, @gardenvarietyny for their amazing work building the website, @sydneyraehass for her creative direction & design on the branding and website, and @longweekendgear for product that we’ll be donating to artists impacted by the fires.
The print sale will be live from February 5th to February 12th 2025. Each 11 x 14 in. print is priced at $100, with both domestic and international shipping available.
Picture House
Garden Variety
Long Weekend Gear
Are Studio
@advli @bigalschmidt @alexandra_cabral_ @alexisjadegross @amanda_charchian @ana__roque @bigtonewhippinwork @atibaphoto @austincalvello @belleleighsmith @ben.p.ward @brianchorski @_carlosjaramillo_ @cassandragiraldo @cassidyturner @chloehorseman @chrisllerins @coleferguson @colinsuss @cristinagareau @danielderroregan @darrenvargas.jpeg @icy_squid @dustinaksland @emmamariej_ @noua_unu @jackmckain @img2121.jpeg @jaimeleecurtistaete @janedylancody @barbagelott @internetfamous @julianbpp @krellz2 @kovi.konowiecki @laurentlawson @loganwhitephoto @marceloagomes @moristeele @neilkrug @_nicogeyer @knowaphotographer @oliveeparker @parkerhao @peytonfulford @renee_parkhurst @sandycandykim @stella.blackmon @steventaylor @suitcase_joe @todd__fisher @wardkweskin @willemverb @billykeihn @yanayatsuk @yasminediba @zacharygray